Hana High School students and Project Ho’omana founders Pristine and Tyra-Li Perry have been selected as the co-recipients of the 2021 Tiny Malaikini Mea Kokua Award.
Established in 1992, the annual Tiny Malaikini Mea Kokua Award honors the memory of Viewed Paniani “Tiny” Malaikini and is the Hana community’s most coveted recognition for public service.
The Perry sisters created Project Ho’omana in 2020 to promote awareness of underage drinking and drug use in the Hana community. It soon transformed into a pandemic relief program to help senior residents and others in need. Among other things, the Perrys have held monthly food distributions and provided assistance to quarantined residents.
The sisters received framed certificates and their names were added to a trophy on display beneath a painting of Malaikini at the Hana Cultural Center.