On National Author’s Day, Nov 1st, an event focused on the local authors and their book business
By Maui Business Brainstormers
In 1928 — 96 years ago — while recovering from World War I, Nellie Verne Burt McPherson, a teacher and avid reader, conceived the idea of National Author’s Day after writing a letter to Irving Bacheller, the author of “Eben Holden’s Last Day A’ Fishin’.” Bacheller responded by sending her an autographed copy of another one of his stories, leaving McPherson with a deep sense of gratitude. In 1929, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs endorsed her idea, and then, in 1949 — 20 years later — the United States Department of Commerce officially recognized November 1st as National Author’s Day.
Now, 75 years after its official recognition, National Author’s Day is receiving its well-deserved spotlight in Maui County with “Authors and the Book Business,” a FREE sponsored luncheon event at Heritage Hall in Pā’ia, Hawai’i, scheduled for Friday, November 1st, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM. “Events like this one have never occurred in Maui County or the State of Hawai’i, as the concept of authorship is often not regarded as a form of business ownership,” stated the organizers in their press release. “Now more than ever, it is crucial to take action and support authors and their book ventures, especially as readership for print books has diminished over time, alongside traditional news media outlets like newspapers, magazines, and local TV news.

1st row from the top, L-R: Moderators David Kapaku, Arnie Kotler, and Maile Meyer
2nd and 3rd rows, L-R: Authors Tom Peek, Robert Wintner, Wayne Moniz, Jenny Coon, Nicki Barsamian, Flo Wiger, and Yvonne Lee McIntire
At the “Authors and the Book Business” event, six authors from Maui (Nicki Barsamian, Jenny Coon, Yvonne Lee McIntire, Wayne Moniz, Flo Wiger, Robert Wintner) and one from Hawai’i Island (Tom Peek) will share their experiences navigating the disruptions caused by digital technology, which has significantly impacted traditional book publishing and retailing. Additionally, the three moderators — David Kapaku and Arnie Kotler, both based on Maui, and Maile Meyer from Honolulu — will explore the implications of book banning and its effects on authors and the broader book industry. This panel of authors and moderators will also discuss the challenges and benefits of utilizing artificial intelligence to enhance writing projects for students, authors, editors, and professionals. Attendees may be invited to share also their perspectives.
Support our local authors. They often write about their communities, drawing on lived experiences that provide deep insights into their culture, challenges, joys, and unique stories. Authors may write to inform, persuade, entertain, or present arguments. Celebrate National Author’s Day by reading your favorite books, purchasing titles from beloved authors, sharing your cherished novels online with the hashtag #NationalAuthorsDay, and encouraging aspiring writers.
Attending the “Authors and the Book Business” event is a vital way to show also your support. To learn more about it, including the RSVP details (which are required for attendance), please visit this webpage: https://www.mauibusinessbrainstormers.org/events/2024-MBB-Then-and-Now-1/
The Hāna Business Council (HBC), along with Maui Economic Opportunity (MEO), Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce (MFCOC), Lokahi Pacific, and the Hawaiʻi Small Business Development Center (HI SBDC), is a partner with Maui Business Brainstormers, sharing opportunities with East Maui residents to support their entrepreneurial endeavors.