ZOOM is the new venue continuing on for the meeting of HBC members as we traverse into the new year.
To recap in the HBC 2021 Bi-Annual January, 21 meeting, we pulled together a (Click to OPEN) presentation noting some of the happenings in East Maui through 2020, including:
- HanaMaui.com launched in January
- Hana Farmers Market launched in February
- The Hana Maskmakers Group, Project Ho’omana, Hana Fresh and others work to support the community through this COVID-19 pandemic
- Hana Maui Hotel reopened under management of Hyatt
- Local online businesses brought their offerings online, including Hasegawa General Store & Hana Coast Gallery
- The Hana Roadshow Event happened in August, which was a collaboration of local food entrepreneurs, the HBC, HFUU – Hana Chapter, and the UH Maui College Food Innovation Center
- Hanaside News published their last issue under the management of Doris Buckley, and relaunched in December under Amanda Mori’s leadership.
- HBC is in the process of transforming the organization to a 501c3; and to build our membership base and encourage participation, through July 2021 we are offering free membership renewals – Go to https://hanamaui.com/hbc/ to join or renew your membership TODAY!
We look forward to 2021 bringing new avenues of community workforce development and a better curated visitor experience! Our next HBC Board / Member meeting is this coming Tuesday, February 9 via Zoom at 4:30pm – see the HanaMaui.com calendar to access the meeting.
Malama Pono,
Heidi Lea
iPhone (406) 600-4300 / Landline (808) 248-7313