Dec. 5, 2022
Applications are now available for the East Maui Community Water Authority board that Maui County plans to create to give community members a say in water operations in the area, Council Member Shane Sinenci announced Friday.
During the Nov. 8 election, voters approved a charter amendment to create the water authority and East Maui regional community board, which will appoint the water authority director; approve a long-range watershed management plan and related programs; set priorities; approve the annual operations budget appropriation request; provide written comments on the long-term capital improvement plan, annual maintenance plan and operating budget and make recommendations on water rates and the federal, state and private funding plan.
They must also hold public community meetings in the region.
“I would like to thank Maui County voters for approving this charter amendment,” said Sinenci, who holds the council seat for the East Maui residency area and proposed the amendment. “In this era of climate change and aging infrastructure, we must manage our resources responsibly to bring more water to residents and farmers.”
Sinenci said the 11-member East Maui regional community board is concerned with the Nahiku, Ke’anae, Honomanu and Huelo license areas and will have at least two members from each area. The council will appoint seven members, and the mayor will appoint four.
Eight seats are reserved for those who have experience in water resource management and watershed restoration. In addition, one board seat is also available for a member actively engaged in ranching, farming, aquaculture or loko i’a in the water service area.
“Ola i ka wai, water is life, has never been as important as it is now,” Sinenci said.
For more information and to retrieve an application, contact Sinenci’s office at (808) 248-7513.