Hana Ag Roadshow webinar set for Aug. 8

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July 30, 2020
The Hana Ag Roadshow, a free agricultural resource webinar for East Maui entrepreneurs, will be held at 11 a.m. Aug. 8.

The goal of the webinar is to facilitate and support the expansion of the local food resource base in East Maui, as a model and means of connecting production in the community to the rest of the island, state and world, a news release about the event said.

The webinar is being organized by the University of Hawaii Maui College Maui Food Innovation Center, UH-Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Maui Office of Economic Development, Maui County Department of Health, Hana Business Council members, Hana Farmers Union United – Hana Chapter members, Hana Farmers Market, Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike, Hana High and Elementary School, UH-MC Hana Education Center and the Hana County Council Office.

The webinar will include a welcome by UH-MC Chancellor Lui Hokoana and others, provide an overview of the Maui Food Innovation Center and the new UH-Maui College food production facility. The Hana Ag Roadshow team will be introduced, and they will share the innovative product submissions from the related Hana Food Launch Tasting Event.

A question and answer session will follow.

The Hana Roadshow team of educators and agricultural resource experts will be giving free assessments for East Maui food entrepreneurs in advance of the webinar, providing a farm/product report for up to 10 applicants and extend an invitation to a Hana Food Launch Tasting Event. The team will choose the top three submissions from the applicant pool to receive educational or certification support and an invitation to participate in the Aug. 8 webinar event.

The Product Report given to Hana Food Launch Tasting Event applicants will include guidance and direction from the team and provide recommendations for educational opportunities, necessary certifications around safe food handling to obtain a Health Department Green Placard, business and tax guidelines, distribution channel utilization support and product and business scalability insight.

For more information, contact Gary Albitz at the University of Hawaii Maui Food Innovation Center by phone at 281-9672 or email albitzg@hawaii.edu.