FEMA Advisory
Hawaii Wildfires Partners Toolkit
FEMA requests your help delivering important information about recovery to the survivors of the Hawaii wildfires.
Below you will find resources that you can use to provide information to your communities and encourage survivors to:
- Take steps to get federal assistance
- Use credible sources of information
- Find mental health support
- Locate loved ones
- FEMA.gov | Hawaii Wildfires (available in multiple languages)
- DisasterAssistance.gov
- Ready.gov: Recovering from Disaster, Wildfires, Helping Children Cope
- Listo.gov: Recuperarse de un desastre, Incendios forestales
Sample Text for E-mails, Handouts and Flyers
FEMA and its federal partners are on the ground on Maui to assist survivors as they begin their long-term recovery plan. If you have been impacted by the Hawaii wildfires, there are resources available to help jumpstart your recovery:
- Residents of Maui County who have been affected by this tragedy should register for FEMA assistance. Survivors with internet or telephone access can register for assistance by visiting www.DisasterAssistance.gov, calling 1-800-621- 3362 or by using the FEMA App. If you use a relay service, such as video relay (VRS), captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA the number for that service.
- For detailed updates about FEMA’s ongoing response and recovery efforts in Hawaii, as well as available resources, please visitFEMA.gov | Hawaii Wildfires.
- To learn how to stay safe during and after wildfires, including tips on safe debris clean-up, visit Wildfires | Ready.gov.
- For those trying to locate loved ones, a Family Assistance Center is open at the Kahului Community Center for residents who are trying to locate family members or loved ones. Those with phone access can also call the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767.
- To access emotional support or counseling for this traumatic event, you can call or text the FREE, confidential Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration disaster distress hotline and speak to professional counselors at 1-800-985-5990. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and use American Sign Language (ASL) use your mobile device to call 1-800-985-5990 or click on “ASL Now” at disasterdistress.samhsa.gov to contact an ASL fluent crisis worker.
- Beware of fraud and scams. After a disaster there are often scams and rumors that target survivors. Please use official local, state and federal sources for credible information. Survivors should never trust someone claiming to be a disaster assistance employee asking for money. Local and federal disaster assistance workers do not solicit or accept money.
- If you are looking for ways to help, visit hawaiistatevoad.org. These organizations provide a variety of assistance to survivors. Cash donations are preferred because they offer voluntary agencies the flexibility in obtaining the most-needed resources.
Apply for Assistance
Maui residents affected by the ongoing wildfires can now apply for federal disaster assistance.
Three easy ways to apply:
‒ Online: http://DisasterAssistance.gov
‒ Call: 800-621-3362 (Press 3 for an interpreter who speaks your language)
‒ FEMA App: http://fema.gov/app
Link to flyer: https://www.fema.gov/node/3-ways-apply-assistance-graphics
FEMA Speaks Your Language
There is support if you were affected by wildfires in Hawaii. No matter what language you speak, FEMA can help.
Online: http://fema.gov/disaster/4724
Call the FEMA Helpline: 1-800-621-3362
Link to flyer: https://www.fema.gov/node/fema-speaks-your-language-graphics
How to Help
Are you looking for ways to help survivors from the Maui wildfire? The @NationalVOAD is a great place to find trusted organizations that are helping the various communities. The best way to help after a disaster is through cash donations. Check out:hawaiistatevoad.org.
Beware of Fraud and Scams
Please share this post to stop rumors and misinformation targeting survivors.
Trusted sources for Hawaii wildfire info:
- @FEMARegion9
- @CountyofMaui
- @Hawaii_EMA
- @Maui_EMA
- @GovHawaii
- @GovJoshGreenMD
- @lgsylvialuke
- @HawaiiDOH
- @HawaiiRedCross
Find updates at: http://fema.gov/disaster/4724
Be aware that after a disaster, there often are many rumors and scams. Watch for & report suspicious activity.
Beware of scammers when applying for disaster assistance:
- Ask FEMA reps to show you a photo ID badge
- Keep your registration number & personal information safe
Never agree to pay an application fee
Link to flyer: https://www.fema.gov/node/beware-fraud-and-scams-graphics
Crisis Counseling
Disasters can cause mental and emotional distress to survivors and loved ones. There are resources to help you through the experience.
Talk to a professional counselor via @samhsagov’s @distressline: 1-800-985-5990.
Finds tips to help children cope at http://ready.gov/kids/helping-children-cope.
Link to flyer: https://www.fema.gov/node/beware-fraud-and-scams-graphics
Ownership and Occupancy
Maui: If you are applying for disaster assistance and need guidance on how to provide proof of home ownership or occupancy, you have options. We accept lots of documents, many that can be accessed online.
Find the list of accepted documents: http://fema.gov/assistance/individual/after-applying/verifying-home-ownership-occupancy
Link to flyer: https://www.fema.gov/node/homeownership-flyers
Protect Yourself After a Wildfire
If you evacuated, return home ONLY when local officials say it is safe to do so. We can imagine how difficult and frustrating it is to have to stay away. Please know these instructions are for your safety.
If you have been told it is safe to return to your home or business, it is important to be aware of potential hazards after a wildfire. Use caution when entering a burned area:
- Stay away from unstable power poles or structures
- Watch for hazards on the ground
- Wear protective shoes and gloves
Link to flyer: https://www.ready.gov/collection/wildfires
Hawaii Wildfires Disaster Assistance PSA_White House Initiative Director Krystal Ka’ai – YouTube
FEMA How to Apply for Disaster Assistance PSA Hawaii Wildfires – YouTube
FEMA ASL Accessible: Three Ways to Register for FEMA Disaster Assistance – YouTube
FEMA ASL Accessible: Critical Needs Assistance – YouTube
FEMA Speaks Your Language – YouTube
The Importance of Applying for an SBA Loan – YouTube
Beware of Fraud and Scams – YouTube
Cuidado con el fraude y las estafas (Beware of Fraud & Scams: Spanish) – YouTube
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact FEMA’s Office of External Affairs:
Congressional Affairs at (202) 646-4500 or at FEMA-Congressional-Affairs@fema.dhs.gov
Intergovernmental Affairs at (202) 646-3444 or at FEMA-IGA@fema.dhs.gov
Tribal Affairs at (202) 646-3444 or at FEMA-Tribal@fema.dhs.gov
Private Sector Engagement at (202) 646-3444 or at nbeoc@max.gov
Follow Us
Follow FEMA on social media at: FEMA Blog on fema.gov, @FEMA or @FEMAEspanol on Twitter, FEMA or FEMA Espanol on Facebook, @FEMA on Instagram, and via FEMA YouTube channel.
Also, follow Administrator Deanne Criswell on Twitter @FEMA_Deanne.