E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Hāna Business Directory!

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JJ’s Hana Hale

Contact: Alan Jahns
Address 215 Maia Road Hana, Hawaii 96713 Mobile Phone: 808-870-6251 Phone: 808.248.4049 Website: JJʻs Hāna Hale


Photo of JJ’s Hana Hale

Welcome to JJ’s Hana Hale!

JJ’s Hana Hale is a cozy one-bedroom cottage

…conveniently located on 6 verdant acres near idyllic Hana town,

on the Hawaiian island of Maui


We are less than a mile from Hana’s tiny airport in the beautiful historic district that the Hawaiians call Ka’eleku.

When we opened our guest cottage in December 2021, featuring our ever-expanding brood of rescue-animals, we decided to name the property JJ’s Hana Hale*, in honor of it’s initial resident: JJ The Horse…
— Alan & Sharon Jahns

* HALE (Ha’ leh): Hawaiian for “HOME”

JJʻs Hana Hale – Maui County License & Permit: STHA 2021/0001


Visit our website: JJʻs Hāna Hale

Or Call if you have questions:

Home: 808.248.4049
Sharon’s cell: 808.870.6251
Alan’s cell: 808.870.3718


Categories: Activities, Agriculture, Lodging & Vehicle Rentals