E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Hāna Business Directory!

The Hāna Business Directory features businesses, nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the East Maui region.
Search by Category to find what you’re looking for.
If you, or for a company or nonprofit, that you’d like to have listed in the directory, submit it here. A basic listing is free, and a Premium listing is included with Hāna Business Council membership!

Shenanigans Design

Contact: Heidi Lea
Address PO Box 645 HANA, Hawaii 96713 Phone: 406-600-4300 Website: Shenanigans Design Website


Photo of Shenanigans Design

Aloha! I’m a certified Biofield Tuning practitioner and ‘Webcare’ (website design, social media, graphic design, layout) specialist. Grateful to be offering my administrative and webcare services to the Hāna Business Council and community!

I am currently assisting with the development and outreach as we build HanaMaui.com, please contact us at directory@hanamaui.com if you have questions about the website – adding local events, your directory listing, or other information.

Also, HBC members get premium directory listings – so join now!





More about my offerings:

Wellness & Webcare, a dance…

…with tuning forks and the use of coherence for balancing and releasing trauma, stress, pain, or stuck energy from the past, to allow one’s body to reside in a place of self-discovery with nature’s ease and joy.

…with technology supporting creative endeavors and enabling the skills needed to promote life’s activity with digital literacy.

Categories: Body Care & Wellness, Services