E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Hāna Business Directory!

The Hāna Business Directory features businesses, nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the East Maui region.
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Hana Arts

Contact: Becky Lind
Address PO Box 686 Hana, Hi 96713 Phone: 8082487569 Website: Hana Arts


Our Vision: Hana Arts envisions our community inspired, and united by the profound and long lasting impact that exposure to the Arts has on people’s lives.

Our Mission: Hana Arts provides Art & Cultural education and both life-enhancing and income-generating opportunities for all East Maui keiki to kupuna through youth, individual and family programs including classroom teaching, workshops and events that help stimulate and broaden our community’s potential.


Visit our website!
Contact us!
Categories: Activities, Art Studio Visits & Workshops, Body Care & Wellness, Local Artisans & Handcrafted Art, Nonprofit, Services