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Hasegawa General Store

Contact: Neil Hasegawa
Address 5165 Hana Highway Hana, HI 96713 Phone: 808-248-7079‬ Website: HasegawaStore.com


Photo of Hasegawa General Store

The exterior of the store has seen better days, but don’t let appearances hold you back from checking out this historic Hana landmark for a bit of shopping in Maui. Just as Paul Weston sang, this 100-year-old-plus fourth generation family run business really does have a wonderful variety of merchandise.

Their eclectic mix of merchandise includes groceries, snacks, shirts, hats, postcards, sunscreen, wine and spirits, souvenirs, doorknobs, fishing rods, books, wall art, cutting boards, bags, balls and more! With such a variety, it’s definitely some of the more interesting shopping in Maui! Need some cash? Then their ATM machine will come in handy too – FREE of service charges for BoH Customers.

Categories: Gifts, Souvenirs & Practical Items, Shopping