E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Hāna Business Directory!

The Hāna Business Directory features businesses, nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the East Maui region.
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Ke Ao Hali’i – Save Hana Coast

Contact: Scott Crawford
Mailing Address PO Box 115 Hana, Hawaii 96713 Phone: 808-650-2722 Website: SaveHanaCoast.org


Photo of Ke Ao Hali’i – Save Hana Coast

The purpose of Ke Ao Hāli’i is to protect and preserve the natural and cultural resources of the Hāna moku and the customary and traditional practices of Native Hawaiians of the region; to hold title to and own interests in real property or to hold easements; to preserve and manage the area’s natural, cultural, scenic, historic and marine resources for the benefit, education and enjoyment of our community and future generations.

We seek to acquire and steward important coastal properties in the Hana area, with a current focus on the Maka’alae and Mokae areas.

Categories: Aloha ʻĀina - Environmental Stewardship, Nonprofit