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Hana Farmers Market

Contact: Kari Hagedorn
Address Hāna Town Center Hāna, Hawaii 96713 Mobile Phone: 808-378-0084 Website: Hāna Farmers Market


Photo of Hana Farmers Market

E KOMO MAI!   Welcome to Hāna Farmers Market Online

The Hana Farmers Market is held every Friday in Hana Town.

Pre-order online here, and pick up your order with each vendor at the Friday market.

Order each week from Friday through Tuesday by 9:00 a.m. for pick-up on the following Friday.

Holiday Schedule: the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, the farmers market will be moved to Wednesdays (Nov. 25, Dec. 23 and Dec. 30).

Hana Farmers Market Online will be open the week of Thanksgiving (Nov. 20-24), but products from Okoa FarmMaui Breadfuit Co. and Sunfresh (listed under Hana Farmers Market) that are imported from the other side will not be available due to the short week.

Winter hours: November – January, Hana Farmers Market hours: 2:45 to 4:30, with kūpuna (65+) shopping starting at 2:15.

Categories: Agriculture, Aloha ʻĀina - Environmental Stewardship, Food & Beverage Products