E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Hāna Business Directory!

The Hāna Business Directory features businesses, nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the East Maui region.
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Ma Ka Hana Ka ʻIke

Contact: Lipoa Kahaleuahi
Address P.O. Box 968 Hāna, Hawaii 96713 Mobile Phone: 808-248-8581 Website: Hanabuild.org


The overarching vision of Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike (MKHKI) is to increase Hāna’s self-sufficiency by providing meaningful learning opportunities that strengthen intergenerational relationships, environmental stewardship, cultural practices, and life skills, while meeting real and urgent community needs. Our approach can be summed up as returning youth to their rightful role as caretakers of their community.

MKHKI’s three main programs work in a holistic way—providing solutions to urgent issues while working to create systemic change that targets the root causes of these issues. Our Building Program installs handicap-access improvements for community members in need, while our Mahele Farm and Mālama Hāloa programs reintroduce healthy dietary and lifestyle choices, grounded in Hawaiian culture and connection to ‘āina (land). We provide services at no cost to low-income families, while our youth earn educational stipends and vocational skills training, changing the perpetuation of a low-income population in our isolated region. And we offer hands-on learning opportunities to youth who fail to thrive in the traditional academic setting, while providing our public school with an alternative educational approach that really works.

Categories: Nonprofit