qBEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Hāna Maui! - ECPv6.5.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL:https://hanamaui.com X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Hāna Maui! REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Pacific/Honolulu BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-1000 TZOFFSETTO:-1000 TZNAME:HST DTSTART:20220101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220506T150000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220506T170000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220126T174324Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220126T174938Z UID:10001056-1651849200-1651856400@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hana Farmers Market DESCRIPTION:Hana Farmers Market \nEvery Friday from 3-5 pm \nField below the Hana Ranch Restaurant\, across from Hasegawa Store. \nOrder online at HanaFarmersMarket.org every Friday through Tuesday at 9:00am for pickup at the farmers market the following Friday. \nSponsored by the Hana Chapter of the Hawaii Farmers Union United URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hana-farmers-market-3/2022-05-06/ LOCATION:Hana\, 1 Mill Road\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Food ORGANIZER;CN="HFUU-Hana Chapter":MAILTO:hana-chapter@hfuuhi.org END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220506T180000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220506T200000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220509T230312Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220509T230312Z UID:10001373-1651860000-1651867200@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hana Farms Fridays Dinner & Music DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hana-farms-fridays-dinner-music/2022-05-06/ LOCATION:Hana Farms\, 2910 Hana Highway\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Food,Music ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Farms":MAILTO:hanafarms@gmail.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220509T170000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220509T180000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220507T054516Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220507T063913Z UID:10001341-1652115600-1652119200@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Tahitian Summer Dance DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/tahitian-summer-dance/2022-05-09/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class,Dance ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220510T160000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220510T173000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220909T191551Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220909T191551Z UID:10001190-1652198400-1652203800@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hula & Hawaiian Cultural Practices DESCRIPTION:Join Kumuhula Piʻilani Lua for hula\, oli\, crafts and more! URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hula-hawaiian-cultural-practice/2022-05-10/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220511T083000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220511T093000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220317T193118Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220317T193118Z UID:10001281-1652257800-1652261400@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Dynamic Yoga Flow DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/dynamic-yoga-flow/2022-05-11/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Yoga ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220511T160000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220511T173000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220302T175654Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220308T175041Z UID:10001151-1652284800-1652290200@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hula & Hawaiian Cultural Practices DESCRIPTION:Join Kumuhula Piʻilani Lua for hula\, oli\, crafts and more! URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hula-hawaiian-cultural-practice/2022-05-11/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220511T170000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220511T180000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220507T054516Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220507T063913Z UID:10001342-1652288400-1652292000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Tahitian Summer Dance DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/tahitian-summer-dance/2022-05-11/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class,Dance ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220512T090000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220512T103000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220302T180047Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220308T175143Z UID:10001230-1652346000-1652351400@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga DESCRIPTION:Join Shari Berman for a flow yoga class for ALL LEVELS synchronizing breath with movements. URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/ashtanga-vinyasa-yoga/2022-05-12/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class,Yoga ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220513T083000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220513T093000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220317T193118Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220317T193118Z UID:10001282-1652430600-1652434200@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Dynamic Yoga Flow DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/dynamic-yoga-flow/2022-05-13/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Yoga ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220513T150000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220513T170000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220126T174324Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220126T174938Z UID:10001057-1652454000-1652461200@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hana Farmers Market DESCRIPTION:Hana Farmers Market \nEvery Friday from 3-5 pm \nField below the Hana Ranch Restaurant\, across from Hasegawa Store. \nOrder online at HanaFarmersMarket.org every Friday through Tuesday at 9:00am for pickup at the farmers market the following Friday. \nSponsored by the Hana Chapter of the Hawaii Farmers Union United URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hana-farmers-market-3/2022-05-13/ LOCATION:Hana\, 1 Mill Road\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Food ORGANIZER;CN="HFUU-Hana Chapter":MAILTO:hana-chapter@hfuuhi.org END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220513T180000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220513T200000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220509T230312Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220509T230312Z UID:10001374-1652464800-1652472000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hana Farms Fridays Dinner & Music DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hana-farms-fridays-dinner-music/2022-05-13/ LOCATION:Hana Farms\, 2910 Hana Highway\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Food,Music ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Farms":MAILTO:hanafarms@gmail.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220513T183000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220513T190000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220512T163635Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220512T163701Z UID:10001380-1652466600-1652468400@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Peter Pan - Hana Arts Ballet School DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/peter-pan-hana-arts-ballet-school/ LOCATION:Hana High & Elementary School\, 4111 Hana Highway\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Theater,Youth ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220514T090000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220514T110000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220513T182755Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220513T182803Z UID:10001382-1652518800-1652526000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Malama Maka'alae Community Workday DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/malama-makaalae-community-workday/ LOCATION:Maka’alae\, Hana Highway\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Workday ORGANIZER;CN="Ke Ao Hali'i":MAILTO:contact@savehanacoast.org END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220516T170000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220516T180000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220507T054516Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220507T063913Z UID:10001343-1652720400-1652724000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Tahitian Summer Dance DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/tahitian-summer-dance/2022-05-16/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class,Dance ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220517T160000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220517T173000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220909T191551Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220909T191551Z UID:10001191-1652803200-1652808600@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hula & Hawaiian Cultural Practices DESCRIPTION:Join Kumuhula Piʻilani Lua for hula\, oli\, crafts and more! URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hula-hawaiian-cultural-practice/2022-05-17/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220518T083000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220518T093000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220317T193118Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220317T193118Z UID:10001283-1652862600-1652866200@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Dynamic Yoga Flow DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/dynamic-yoga-flow/2022-05-18/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Yoga ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220518T160000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220518T173000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220302T175654Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220308T175041Z UID:10001152-1652889600-1652895000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hula & Hawaiian Cultural Practices DESCRIPTION:Join Kumuhula Piʻilani Lua for hula\, oli\, crafts and more! URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hula-hawaiian-cultural-practice/2022-05-18/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220518T170000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220518T180000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220507T054516Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220507T063913Z UID:10001344-1652893200-1652896800@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Tahitian Summer Dance DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/tahitian-summer-dance/2022-05-18/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class,Dance ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220518T180000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220518T200000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220414T194843Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220414T194843Z UID:10001316-1652896800-1652904000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Maui Classical Music Festival - Hāna Concert DESCRIPTION:After a COVID hiatus\, we are honored to announce that the Maui Classical Music Festival will come to Hana!\n\nWednesday\, May 18- “Hana Community Concert”\nWananalua Congregational Church- Hana- 6:00pm\nMozart: Clarinet Quintet in A\, K.581 (Y. Kim\, B.Kim\, F.Kim\, Schotten\, Eldan)\nDvorak: Bass Quintet in G\, Op.77 (B.Kim\, Oates\, Schotten\, Eldan\, Muroki) \nMusician bios:\nYoonah Kim\, clarinet\nHailed by The New York Times for her “inexhaustible virtuosity”\, clarinetist Yoonah Kim is a winner of the 2016 Concert Artists Guild International Competition – the first solo clarinetist to win CAG in nearly 30 years. Her recent chamber music appearances include performances of Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time with Stefan Jackiw\, Jay Campbell\, and Orion Weiss at Princeton University and the Crypt in New York and with the Junction Trio at Rockefeller University. Ms. Kim made her New York recital debut at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall and has given recitals for Chicago’s Dame Myra Hess series and DC’s Washington Performing Arts series\, among others. From 2016-2018\, Ms. Kim was a member of Ensemble Connect\, a selective fellowship program under the auspices of Carnegie Hall\, the Weill Institute\, and The Juilliard School\, where she served as an education ambassador for New York City schools. Ms. Kim co-founded Chime for Children\, which brings interactive performances to children with limited access to music. Ms. Kim tours with the ensembles Founders and Frisson and has appeared at chamber music festivals including Marlboro\, Mainly Mozart\, Bravo! Vail\, Sarasota\, and Banff. Born in Seoul and raised in British Columbia\, Yoonah is currently pursuing her doctoral degree at The Juilliard School as the C.V. Starr Doctoral Fellow. \nBenny Kim\, violin\nWhether playing in the intimate setting of a string quartet or performing a concerto on the stage of a concert hall\, Benny Kim’s “emotional depth and musical carriage are his real drawing cards. His is a style that touches the peak of romantic violin playing.” (The Washington Post) Known for his versatility as soloist\, chamber musician and teacher\, Benny’s performances include recital appearances at the 92nd Street Y and the Kennedy Center\, festival appearances in Santa Fe\, Savannah\, Angel Fire\, NM and Trondheim\, Norway and concerto appearances with the orchestras of Chicago\, Boston and St. Louis. Benny serves as first violinist of the Miami String Quartet\, appears on recordings of EMI\, Koch International and Centaur and is a professor of violin at the University of Missouri/Kansas City Conservatory of Music.\nBenny is a golf fanatic and he and his golden retriever\, Cubby\, make their home outside Kansas City on the Falcon Ridge Golf Course. \nFabiola Kim\, violin\nViolinist Fabiola Kim was hailed by the New York Times as “a brilliant soloist\,” who “played with extraordinary precision and luminosity.” Her CD\, “1939\,” has received international acclaims from BBC magazine\, The Strad\, Gramophone and others. Ms. Kim is the winner of various competitions\, including the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra’s Concerto Competition\, the Aspen Music Festival Competition and the Juilliard School Concerto Competition\, and was a prize winner at the Irving M. Klein International Competition for Strings. \nMs. Kim has collaborated with conductors such as Alan Gilbert\, Esa-Pekka Salonen\, Jane Glover and Nicholas McGegan. Additionally\, her chamber music festival appearances include concerts at Aspen Music Festival\, Ravinia Steans Institute\, Verbier Festival and La Jolla Music Society Summerfest. \nMs. Kim is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan and is on faculty at the Colburn School. She is also the Co-founder and Co-Artistic Director of Sounding Point Academy. \nYizhak Schotten\, viola \nMusic Director of the Maui Classical Music Festival since its beginning\, Yizhak Schotten came from Israel to study with William Primrose at USC. He won the Concert Artists Guild International Competition in New York with his string trio\, and performed in many of this country’s prestigious concert series. He has concertized around the world as soloist and chamber musician\, was member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and later\, principal violist of the Cincinnati and Houston Symphony Orchestras. An active recording artist\, he is on the faculty of the University of Michigan. He loves to cook and play golf.\nAmir Eldan\, cello\nAmir Eldan performs as a soloist\, chamber musician and as guest principal cellist.  He served as Principal Cellist of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and as guest Principal Cellist with the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra.  At age 22\, he became the youngest member of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra in New York\, when he won the position of Associate Principal Cellist and was invited to perform with the MET Chamber Ensemble in Carnegie Hall.\nMr. Eldan holds a Doctor of Music degree and Master of Music degree\, both from Juilliard where he also served as a guest teacher.  His performances have been featured on television and radio in the U.S.\, Europe and in Israel.\nHe taught at the Oberlin Conservatory for fourteen years and was the cellist of the Oberlin Trio.  In 2019\, he was appointed Cello Professor at the University of Michigan. \nSarah Oates\, violin\nSarah Oates enjoys a varied career combining chamber music\, orchestral leading and teaching. As the associate concertmaster of the Philharmonia Orchestra in London she has performed regularly in the great concert halls and around the world. She is a sought-after guest concertmaster with other world class orchestras including the London Symphony Orchestra\, the BBC Philharmonic\, the Royal Opera House of Brussels\, Scottish Chamber Orchestra\, and the Dutch National Ballet Orchestra in Amsterdam. Sarah maintains a busy chamber music schedule.  As a member of the Devich Piano Trio she recorded four CD’s with Challenge Records to international critical acclaim. Recent recordings include a CD with Warner Classics\, including works by Chausson\, with her string quartet\, the Philharmonia Chamber Players. She is a founding member of the Phoenix Festival\, an annual chamber music festival in Brussels\, with Brussels Muzique\, an ensemble of international musicians. She is also a member of the Ubuntu Ensemble\, a group of South African musicians currently based in the UK and Europe\, who come together to perform classical repertoire as well as showcasing contemporary South African composers. \nKurt Muroki\, Double bass.   You should know is he Maui-born – went to Baldwin High School\nTenured Professor of Music at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University and former Artist-Member of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center\, Kurt Muroki began his musical studies on the violin and went on to study the Double bass at The Juilliard School of Music with Homer R. Mensch. Kurt has collaborated with members of the Guarneri\, Juilliard\, and Tokyo quartets among others. Kurt was also active playing movies\, commercials\, popular\, and classical recordings with titles including the Oscar-winning film “The Departed”\, “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”\, “Julie and Julia”\, “Moonrise Kingdom”\, The Who\, Sting\, Peter Gabriel\, and Itzhak Perlman among others. He has performed concerto tours throughout Asia and the United States. Mr. Muroki also teaches at the Interlochen Arts Academy and the New York String Orchestra Seminar\, and is a New School Concerts Music Advisory Committee member. Mr. Muroki has previously been on faculty at Stony Brook University\, New Jersey City University\, and The Juilliard School. Mr. Muroki is a D’Addario Strings Artist. URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/maui-classical-music-festival-hana-concert/ LOCATION:Wananalua Church\, 10 Hauoli Road\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Music ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220519T090000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220519T103000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220302T180047Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220308T175143Z UID:10001231-1652950800-1652956200@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga DESCRIPTION:Join Shari Berman for a flow yoga class for ALL LEVELS synchronizing breath with movements. URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/ashtanga-vinyasa-yoga/2022-05-19/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class,Yoga ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220519T170000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220519T180000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220518T175829Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220518T175924Z UID:10001392-1652979600-1652983200@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:We Love 'Opihi - Maui Nui Makai Network Speaker Series DESCRIPTION:Aloha mai kākou!\n\nJoin us virtually in hearing from local aloha ʻāina\, Hank Eharis\, Scott Crawford\, Emily Fielding and scientist\, Dr. Chris Bird. Theyʻll be sharing on the efforts put forth in East Maui to protect native ʻopihi life here in Hawaiʻi. Join us to learn more about the kuleana we have as a community to protect these species for our future generations. \n\nThursday\, May 19\, 5:00PM HST \nREGISTER NOW! \nThe presentation will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by the Maui Nui Makai Network. Mark your calendar and spread the word! After registering\, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom. Please let us know if you have any questions! \n\nMeet Our Speakers:\n\nHank Eharis\nHank was born and raised in Hāna and lives in Koali. He works at Haleakalā National Park\, Resources Management. Hank is currently the President of Nā Mamo O Mūʻolea. Hank enjoys fishing and hunting.\nEmily Fielding\nEmily is the Maui Marine Program Director of TNC\, since 2007. She has led The Nature Conservancy’s Maui Nui Marine work\, specializing in planning and community engagement for marine resource management.\n\nScott Crawford\nScott has served as the Executive Director of Kīpahulu ʻOhana\, Inc. for 20 years\, helping to manage Kapahu Living Farm traditional wetland taro farm\, Kīpahulu ʻOhana community certified kitchen\, and the Mālama I Ke Kai program\, including the ‘Opihi Rest Area and the proposed Kīpahulu Moku Community Based Subsistence Fishing Area.\nDr. Chris Bird\nDr. Chris Bird is an associate professor of marine biology at Texas A&M University. Dr. Bird has been working with Maui Nui Makai Network in our ʻopihi efforts since 2008.\n\nABOUT THIS TALK: The Mālama I Ke Kai Speaker Series is a companion to the Network’s Mālama I Ke Kai: Community Action Guide released in 2020\, and will highlight inspirational work being done by communities in Hawaii Nei and globally. The speaker series is held virtually via Zoom at 5PM the third Thursday of each month\, and is free to the public. Topics explored will include case studies and experiences of indigenous and local community management of marine areas\, co-management\, replenishment and protected area planning\, and community engagement.\n\nABOUT THE NETWORK: The Maui Nui Makai Network is a network of community and partner groups across Maui Nui that care for ecosystems on which Hawai’i’s people depend. To learn more about our work and stay updated on events\, please visit our website and follow us on Instagram and Facebook!\nMe ke aloha pumehana\,\nMaui Nui Makai Network URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/we-love-opihi-maui-nui-makai-network-speaker-series/ LOCATION:Zoom\, HI\, United States CATEGORIES:Presentation ORGANIZER;CN="Maui Nui Makai Network":MAILTO:coordinator@mauinui.net END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220520T083000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220520T093000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220317T193118Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220317T193118Z UID:10001284-1653035400-1653039000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Dynamic Yoga Flow DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/dynamic-yoga-flow/2022-05-20/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Yoga ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220520T150000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220520T170000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220126T174324Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220126T174938Z UID:10001058-1653058800-1653066000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hana Farmers Market DESCRIPTION:Hana Farmers Market \nEvery Friday from 3-5 pm \nField below the Hana Ranch Restaurant\, across from Hasegawa Store. \nOrder online at HanaFarmersMarket.org every Friday through Tuesday at 9:00am for pickup at the farmers market the following Friday. \nSponsored by the Hana Chapter of the Hawaii Farmers Union United URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hana-farmers-market-3/2022-05-20/ LOCATION:Hana\, 1 Mill Road\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Food ORGANIZER;CN="HFUU-Hana Chapter":MAILTO:hana-chapter@hfuuhi.org END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220520T180000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220520T200000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220509T230312Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220509T230312Z UID:10001375-1653069600-1653076800@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hana Farms Fridays Dinner & Music DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hana-farms-fridays-dinner-music/2022-05-20/ LOCATION:Hana Farms\, 2910 Hana Highway\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Food,Music ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Farms":MAILTO:hanafarms@gmail.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220521T090000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220521T130000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220517T154916Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220517T154917Z UID:10001391-1653123600-1653138000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hāmoa Beach Cleanup for Honu ‘Ea Nesting DESCRIPTION:Aloha Kakou! \n\nNesting season for the Honu ‘Ea (Hawksbill Sea Turtle) begins in June.  Our Hana community may have the privilege to again be instrumental in increasing the population size of this indigenous and critically endangered species by reducing impacts on nesting females\, their nests and hatchlings. \n \n\nThis Saturday\, May 21st from 8 am until 1:00 pm (or until pau) we will gather to clean Hamoa Beach.  This will include collecting beach debris (Kamani seeds\, glass\, trash etc…)\n\n \nBuckets\, a screen to sift sand\, hand trowel\, shovel and/or a rake will come in handy.  \n \nIf you cannot join us right away please do so when you can.  \n \nYour kokua is needed and will be deeply appreciated.\n \nMahalo Nui Loa\,\nKathleen \n(909) 810-6611 URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hamoa-beach-cleanup-for-honu-ea-nesting/ LOCATION:Hamoa Beach\, Haneoo Road\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Workday END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220523T170000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220523T180000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220507T054516Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220507T063913Z UID:10001345-1653325200-1653328800@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Tahitian Summer Dance DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/tahitian-summer-dance/2022-05-23/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class,Dance ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220524T160000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220524T173000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220909T191551Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220909T191551Z UID:10001192-1653408000-1653413400@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hula & Hawaiian Cultural Practices DESCRIPTION:Join Kumuhula Piʻilani Lua for hula\, oli\, crafts and more! URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hula-hawaiian-cultural-practice/2022-05-24/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220525T083000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220525T093000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220317T193118Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220317T193118Z UID:10001285-1653467400-1653471000@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Dynamic Yoga Flow DESCRIPTION: URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/dynamic-yoga-flow/2022-05-25/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Yoga ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220525T160000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220525T173000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220302T175654Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220308T175041Z UID:10001153-1653494400-1653499800@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Hula & Hawaiian Cultural Practices DESCRIPTION:Join Kumuhula Piʻilani Lua for hula\, oli\, crafts and more! URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/hula-hawaiian-cultural-practice/2022-05-25/ LOCATION:Hāna Tropicals Oasis\, 4228 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Class ORGANIZER;CN="Hana Arts":MAILTO:friends@hanaarts.com END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220525T170000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20220525T180000 DTSTAMP:20240529T022252 CREATED:20220103T192443Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220604T173444Z UID:10001031-1653498000-1653501600@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:East Maui Ready Monthly Meeting ~ Maui Hikina Ho‘omakaukau DESCRIPTION:Community members are welcome to join the monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of each month!\n\nTopic: East Maui Ready (EMR) Leadership Meeting\n\nEMAIL: info@eastmauiready.org\nEMR Leadership Community Mtg – Last Wednesday of each month at 5 PM Hawaii\nJoin Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8382…\nMeeting ID: 838 282 2345\nPasscode: 96713\nOne tap mobile\n \n+12532158782\,\,8382822345#\,\,\,\,*96713# US \nDial by your location\n+1 253 215 8782 US\n\nEMR Mission: To educate and assist our East Maui communities in being prepared\, informed and ready to mitigate the effects of emergencies when disasters occur.\nEMR Vision: To create a better prepared community as a collaboration of Agencies\, Businesses and Partnerships working together towards a common goal in various disasters in East Maui. URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/east-maui-ready-monthly-meeting-maui-hikina-hoomakaukau/2022-05-25/ LOCATION:Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States ORGANIZER;CN="East Maui Ready":MAILTO:info@eastmauiready.org END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR