qBEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Hāna Maui! - ECPv6.5.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL:https://hanamaui.com X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Hāna Maui! REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Pacific/Honolulu BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-1000 TZOFFSETTO:-1000 TZNAME:HST DTSTART:20230101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230606 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230609 DTSTAMP:20240528T034209 CREATED:20230519T164814Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230607T181002Z UID:10001957-1686009600-1686268799@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Free Spay / Neuter Clinic DESCRIPTION:Maui Humane Society is partnering with Greater Good Charities’ Good Fix program to provide a free\, three-day spay and neuter clinic in Hana from Tuesday to Thursday. \nThe partnership will allow upwards of 500 owned dogs and cats and free-roaming cats to be spayed or neutered “to help effectively and humanely control the pet population over time\,” a news release said. \nHana community members can bring their dogs\, cats or any free-roaming cat to Hana High & Elementary School Gymnasium for free same-day surgery. Dogs must be on a leash\, pet cats must be in carriers and free-roaming cats must be in traps. Community members in need of traps for free-roaming cats can reserve them ahead of time. \nThe clinics in Hana will also offer free vaccinations\, ear tipping and microchipping for dogs and cats that are spayed or neutered. \nThe event is also made possible by the John R. Peterson Foundation and Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. \nTo book a free spay or neuter appointment and/or vet exam\, reserve a cat trap or find more information on the event\, visit www.mauihumanesociety.org/goodfixhana/. URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/spay-neuter-clinic/ LOCATION:Hana School\, 4111 Hana Hwy\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Animals ORGANIZER;CN="Maui Humane Society":MAILTO:Info@MauiHumaneSociety.org END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20231207T120000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Honolulu:20231207T160000 DTSTAMP:20240528T034209 CREATED:20231204T165202Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231204T165507Z UID:10004598-1701950400-1701964800@hanamaui.com SUMMARY:Maui Humane Society in Hāna DESCRIPTION:***Update on MHS Microchip\, Vaccine\, flea meds and food distribution in Hāna*** \nLocation: Hāna Health\nDate: Thursday\, December 7th\nTime: 12 – 4 \nMaui Humane Society will be out in Hāna with vaccines and pet food. \nThey will be located at Hana Health this time. \nVaccines and microchips are free and available to anyone that can get their animals to their mobile vet clinic on that day (first come\, first serve basis\, while supplies last\, as always). \nFor the food (and flea med distribution)\, they are no longer working from stores of pet food that were donated in the immediate aftermath of the fire\, that has all been distributed. They are now working from grants that fund their 4ever Pets program. There is a small amount of paperwork to get signed up\, but it will set you up to receive a monthly disbursement for your pets. They will be doing sign ups in person that day\, or you can email (or stop by the Humane Society if you’re on the otherside) to sign up. The email for more information or to get signed up is: \n4everpets@mauihumanesociety.org \nBecause this program is grant funded\, there are certain requirements from the groups funding the grants that includes the tracking of how the funds are spent. The grants also require agreeing to spay or neuter your pets\, the humane society may be able to help coordinate this if you are in need. \nPlease note: This program does not extend to those that are feeding and maintaining feral cat colonies (please contact the human society separately to coordinate anything related to colonies). URL:https://hanamaui.com/event/maui-humane-society/ LOCATION:Hana Health\, 4590 Hana Highway\, Hana\, HI\, 96713\, United States CATEGORIES:Animals ORGANIZER;CN="Maui Humane Society":MAILTO:Info@MauiHumaneSociety.org END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR