E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Hāna Business Directory!

The Hāna Business Directory features businesses, nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the East Maui region.
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Hana Youth Center, Inc.

Contact: W. Keoki Kalani
Address Post Office Box 464 Hana Community Center – 5101 Uakea Road Hana, Hawaii 96713


Photo of Hana Youth Center, Inc.

Hana Youth Center was established in 1986 by the late Uncle Jackie Kahula as an after school drop in center for the youth of Hana. We provide a setting that is fun, clean and free from the influences of tobacco, drugs and violence; where Hawaiian values are promoted.


Operating as a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency, Hana Youth Center provides membership to youth ages 8 – 18, with a variety of activities that are manuahi (free). Prior to the current remodeling we have been located within the Hana Community Center directly across from Hana Ball Park; currently students meet at Hāna School.

Categories: Nonprofit