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East Maui Rat Lungworm Taskforce

Contact: Scott Crawford


Photo of East Maui Rat Lungworm Taskforce

East Maui RLW Taskforce is dedicated to preventing rat lungworm disease through education for residents and visitors, and support for East Maui’s farmers and gardeners. As a program of Hawai’i Farmers Union United Hāna Chapter, we actively share education, tools and practices to identify and control the vectors that spread the disease, and safe food handling practices to protect consumers. In addition to taking these precautions in your own household, you can help fortify your community:

  • Become a volunteer – We need educators and field support.
  • Share the mana‘o – Talk about RLW in your ‘ohana, educate the keiki, and share with our visitors how to protect themselves during their vacation on Maui.
  • Contact us to get a Vector Control Kit:  Info@ratlungworm.info

To get in touch with a network devoted to supporting those who are affected by Rat Lungworm disease
go to the http://www.RatLungworm.net Support Groups page.


We are available for farm visits or to provide farmers with vector control kits.

Contact us at:


Join theand follow us on Instagram and Twitter!

Categories: Agriculture, Aloha ʻĀina - Environmental Stewardship, Public Health & Emergency Services